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This is my old blog, which I no longer update. Feel free to browse around old posts and such, but the much more recent version of my ramblings are to be found at MarilynAnneCampbell.com

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Why I'm Not Doing Nanowrimo This Year... Yet

November 1st is significant for many writers as the kick-off to National Novel Writing Month. Hunkering down to hammer out a 50,000 word novel in 30 days is a fun, frantic plunge into fiction writing, and I've done it more than once before. But the situation hasn't changed since I last posted about Nanowrimo - none of my earlier Nanuscripts have been fully edited, or even given to friends or family to read (although a few chapters of the first one did make it to a writer's group).

I've finally gotten back on the horse with the 2005 book. I'm on a roll with it, and suddenly problems with plot and character that seemed insurmountable enough to keep it all tucked away on my hard drive for three years are disappearing in a domino effect (I give a lot of credit to my fantabulous guy, who is a sounding board extraordinaire).

Still, I do love the rush of Nanowrimo and have the urge to jump in the melee. So I've made myself a promise. If I can get the second draft of the 2005 Nanuscript completed by mid-month, I'll put it aside to sit for a little while at the same time I engage in an exercise to bring me closer to the characters - I will plunge headlong into the sequel, trying to hammer out the first draft by the thirtieth.

I highly doubt I'll get to the new book, but hopefully the desire to get in on Nano this year will keep me motivated to edit my Nano book of old.

Updates to come!

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